custom hand-made orange cargo bike

The d.r.k. cargo bike

Probably the most beautiful cargo bike out there

The cyclist’s cargo bike, built to be fun to ride

A shorter wheelbase, a lightweight, stiff frame, a customizable riding position, and great looks mean this bike will be appreciated by cyclists.

Sized to fit its rider

So often in the world of cargo bikes, bikes are built with a one-size-fits-all approach. But fit is too important to neglect - especially when you’re going to ride your cargo bike a lot. This is why all my bikes, including my cargo bike, are made to measure.
orange cargo bike on a path with Daniel and Zola

Made by a cycle tourist for cycle touring

I believe there is no cargo bike that is better suited to cargo-bike touring. To do lots of kilometres on your bike, you need a bike that fits you well, you need braze-ons to customize your bike, and you need a bike that is fun to ride. This is your bike.

Frame specifications

I often make custom-sized framesets (frame, fork, stem, headsets, pulleys, cargo bag, and cargo floor) for customers to build into full bikes. These framesets are typically made to this set of standards:

Frame, fork, and stem

Columbus Zona/Life and 25CrMo4 steel, d.r.k. cycles, custom built


Aluminium, d.r.k. cycles, custom made

Axle standards

100x12mm (front) and 148x12mm (rear) thru axle




1 1/8”

Seat post


Brake mount

IS2000 (flat bar)/flatmount (drop bar)

Handlebar style

As requested

Wheel size

20" (front) and 27.5" (rear)

Cargo floor

Aluminium composite sandwich panel

Cargo bag

Custom made by Rusjan


Powder coated in a single RAL color

Typical components

I am always happy to accommodate requests for a special set of components. Below is what I consider a fairly standard build with a sensible set of components for the d.r.k. cargo bike:


Deore (flat bar)/GRX (drop bar) (2x or 1x)


Cane Creek 40


Shimano 11-36


Ritchey Comp Butano/Ritchey Comp Flat 2X


Deore (flat bar)/GRX (drop bar)


Shutter precision dynamo (front) and DT Swiss 350 (rear)


Ryde Andra 40 (front) and Ryde Andra 321 (rear)


B&M Lumotex Myc N (front) and B&M toplight line small (rear)


SKS Bluemels (front and rear)

All the above is customizable

Each d.r.k. cargo bike is made individually. As such, there is plenty of room to customize your bike to suit your requirements. Much of the above specifications can be changed, but the size and shape of the cargo bay is pretty much fixed. For options regarding electric versions, get in touch.